
- Installing zio -


Available under the Open Software License, Version 2.1, the zio package is provided in two forms

  1. a jar file, copy this to your Java system's ext folders, or
  2. a zip file of the source code

These links were updated on July 22, 2005. You need to have a Java development system (JDK version 1.4 or later) installed first.

For the first method:

This is the recommended way to do it. If you search through the folders used by your Java development system you will find at least one named ext. It may be easier to find these folders if you know that ext is included in another folder named lib. Not all lib folders contain an ext folder. The ones that do are of interest here.

One gotcha to watch out for is that many computers have had a Java virtual machine for web browser use installed before they had a Java development system installed. You may have to find the ext in this run-time system as well as any that came with the development system. (On the computer I am using at the moment, I found three lib/ext folder combinations to copy zio.jar into.)

For the second method:

Unzip these files into a directory (folder) named zio. To get the package mechanism working correctly this zio must be placed within a directory on the class path. Moreover, when you compile the zio classes you must do so from that containing directory.

You may or may not be need to alter the CLASSPATH environment variable. If you need to, you may or may not be able to. Here is one work around that uses batch/shell files for compiling and executing Java programs.

With either method:

You can make use of the zio classes in your Java code by placing this statement at the beginning

import zio.*;

contextJul 22, 2005author