J Adrian Zimmer  (home)




  1. A Short Introduction to Probability Theory
    as applied to Covid testing (2021)
  2. From Simple IO to Monad Transformers
    Bonsai Reads (2014)


  1. Tcl/Tk for Programmers, I.E.E.E. Computer Society Press, 1998, 544 pages (now distributed by Wiley)
  2. Abstraction for Programmers, McGraw Hill, 1985, 251 pages

Articles in Archival Research Journals

(Not many, but page count is over 50.)

  1. "Type Substitution in Compiled Code", Software Concepts and Tools, Springer Verlag, 16(1995)
    pp 20-30
  2. "Restructuring for Style", J. of Software Practice and Experience, John Wiley & Sons, 20(1990)
    pp 365-389 (My favorite. Predates and anticipates work by others on refactoring.)
  3. "Altering Without Change", J. of Software Maintenance: Research and Practice, John Wiley & Sons, 1(1989) pp 29-46
  4. "Automorphisms of Subgraphs Obtained by Deleting a Pendant Vertex", J. of Combinatorial Theory, Academic Press,
    12(1972) pp 169-173 (coauthored with Neil Robertson)


  1. Computer Science as a General Education Requirement
  2. K12 Python, 2007
  3. "Simplifying Red/Black Trees (Or How Python Metaclasses Might Aid Library Design)", PyCon 2006, Addison (Dallas), Texas
  4. "Using Inheritance to Avoid Branching" Killer Example Workshop, OOPSLA 2006, Portland, OR (conference proceedings published by Springer Verlag)
  5. Zio Graphics Package for Java, 2005
  6. "Graph Theoretical Indicators for Refactoring", XP/Agile Universe 2003, Springer Verlag, pp 62-72, presented at the 3rd XP/Agile Universe Conference in New Orleans, August 2003
  7. Six Daily Goals, written for this site in the late 1990s
  8. Served on editorial board of the Journal of Software Maintenance from 1990 through 1999.
  9. "Restructuring: The Old Meets The New", invited lecture, Third International Conference on Hi-Tech Maintenance, Quality Assurance Institute, March 6-8, 1991
  10. "On Teaching Module Design for Software Maintainability", SCCI 91, April 12-13, 1991, Proceedings of 1991 Small College Computing Symposium pp 25-34
  11. "We Need a Discipline of Software Composing", SIGSOFT Notes, Assoc. for Computing Machinery, April, 1988
  12. "A Modula Wish List", SIGPLAN Notices, Assoc. for Computing Machinery, November 1985
  13. "A Control Form for Complex Iterations", SIGPLAN Notices, Assoc. for Computing Machinery, February 1981